Little people..
probably half our population;
Many unacknowlegded
and unimportant.
Just small beings
who happen to be.
I think people misapprehend children..
they don't see how much littles
are the ones who really "get it"..
They are the ones to make you smile
when all you wanna do is cry.
They trust and know that they are loved
and are being taken care of.
They always forgive!
They couldn't care less how you dress,
where you work, where you live, what you drive,
who your friends with..
Its you they care about.
When they hug you, they mean it.
When they are happy, they show it :)
When they are sad, they seek comfort.. from us..
They are honest.
They have faith.. faith that we forget sometimes.
They love unconditionally.
These are our little people..
Why are not more like them??
On another note, I found a place to live.. I'm moving this saturday! I'm pretty excited.. I think I need a big change in my life right now. Change is good. Only 2 weeks till I go home for Christmas! I'm really looking forward to getting some time off and going back home for bit. I think I need a break from being exhausted all the time. The other day I was babysitting for Ellen and Kaelyn was teething so I had to give her tylonel and rock her a bit.. it made me miss my babies in Lesotho so much, i just wanted to cry! As sad as it sounds, I've been getting better at forgetting.. you almost have to. Its difficult to explain, but forgetting is just so much easier than going day by day remembering. Anyways, today is sunday so hopefully get a little more relaxing in. Until next time. xx.