"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" - Walt Emerson

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Blog from mwa!

Hello again from Lesotho. I hope that all is well back home and you are all enjoying some nice spring weather:) Our mornings are quite cool now when we leave for work, usually above zero but below ten somewhere. We layer up and head out! During the days when the sun comes out it still gets pretty nice, maybe around 20 celcius. I had a really bad cold at the start of this week and wasn't feeling so well, but with lots of rest and some yummy tea I am doing much better! Myself, Annie, Wilma and Sylvia are taking some Sesotho Lessons, its pretty fun. The words are so difficult to say and it takes a lot of practice, but we are slowly learning some things. We are learning about progressive pronouns right now, how fun?! hahaha. The children are absolutely loving the new shelter and play there all the time, what a wondeful blessing from the ausi team. Nick (one of the youth volunteers) has just started up a bible study for the older children and it seems to be going so well. Pray that this will be able to continue and that God will use him in each of the lives of these children. Also that when he leaves in July, someone will take over what he has started. We've been having some issues with the staff at MIS - they are not all getting along so well. I think a lot of it happens because we are short staffed and these workers are working all the time and are not taking well scheduled breaks. Please pray for our staffing issue that we can get good staff that will stay long-term at the center, and also that there will be the funds needed to pay each of the staff. We will really be needing volunteers beginning in July - minimum 6 months. If you know of anyone who is interested, please let myself or wilma know. This week I've felt a little homesick - probably partly because I wasn't feeling so well and also we are pretty much at our half way mark right now. It really brings a lot of mixed feelings. Its going to be difficult to leave and I know we will feel empty because we are so used to caring for children and suddenly we won't be. This is one incredible experience to have at such a young age and my view on life will never be exactly as it was before. God has been stretching me here and it isn't always easy, but i know that it is only for my good, shaping me into who he has designed me to be. This is only a portion of God's plan for my life - only the beginning. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and not harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future" - Jeremiah 29:11. God is good and although I don't know what the future holds and sometimes it gets frustrating, I know that my life is in His hands and He will always be taking care of me. He only wants good things for us, whether we choose to accept them or not, is our choice.. Thank you for being my support and praying for me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So how do you all feel about rats???? lol. I'm doing a lot of work in the storage room this week - its a crazy mess and there's so much to do!! (couple photos for you). So yeah, in the meantime a few rats have decided to make this room their home. Lucky me working in there everyday! Today I found one looking right at me only a few feet away. Talk about huge and ugly. Me and a few of the girls working at the center tried to chase it out, then it came running towards us and lets just say a little fear crept out of me! We lost him somewhere in the room and he is still hiding I'm sure. I just keep a nice little shovel beside me in case I need to do some rat killing, haha. Can you picture me with that kinda courage? Yeah, me neither! Well, the Ausi team has finised the Rain Shelter! Its great and the kids really like it. I'll throw up a picture of it. Its so great to have teams come here and do big projects like this. I'm getting a little frustrated with my ringworm - yupp, still got it. Its just incredibly itchy! It's crazy to think we've been here over 2 months already. At first it was hard for me to settle into everything again and I found myself missing home quite a bit. Now each day just gets better and better and I come home each day feeling happy and fulfilled. I'm loving it! It's all in the relationships we are building, God is really blessing me through these people. The young mothers my age that are now working for the centre are so great. Attached is a pic of Annie and I with these young ladies, all in pink today! I love the friendships we are building here:) Thank-you for your support and prayers. God bless!