"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" - Walt Emerson

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So how do you all feel about rats???? lol. I'm doing a lot of work in the storage room this week - its a crazy mess and there's so much to do!! (couple photos for you). So yeah, in the meantime a few rats have decided to make this room their home. Lucky me working in there everyday! Today I found one looking right at me only a few feet away. Talk about huge and ugly. Me and a few of the girls working at the center tried to chase it out, then it came running towards us and lets just say a little fear crept out of me! We lost him somewhere in the room and he is still hiding I'm sure. I just keep a nice little shovel beside me in case I need to do some rat killing, haha. Can you picture me with that kinda courage? Yeah, me neither! Well, the Ausi team has finised the Rain Shelter! Its great and the kids really like it. I'll throw up a picture of it. Its so great to have teams come here and do big projects like this. I'm getting a little frustrated with my ringworm - yupp, still got it. Its just incredibly itchy! It's crazy to think we've been here over 2 months already. At first it was hard for me to settle into everything again and I found myself missing home quite a bit. Now each day just gets better and better and I come home each day feeling happy and fulfilled. I'm loving it! It's all in the relationships we are building, God is really blessing me through these people. The young mothers my age that are now working for the centre are so great. Attached is a pic of Annie and I with these young ladies, all in pink today! I love the friendships we are building here:) Thank-you for your support and prayers. God bless!

1 comment:

Andrea {kerubo mama} said...

Hey Michelle!! it's so good to hear how you're doing, and how God is using you!! thanks for keeping your blog updated, it's been so cool to hear of your latest adventures :) We're still here in Canada...just waiting on our work permits before we can go, so hopefully we can join you in Africa before you come home! Well, have a GREAT day, and keep working for the Lord!!
love Andrea