"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" - Walt Emerson

Friday, May 15, 2009


I GOT INTO SCHOOL!! :) I'm pretty excited about this! As long as everything works out financially, looks like I am going to be a full-time student in the fall! Now its applying for bursaries like crazy and working on getting a student loan. As long as this is what I am supposed to be doing, then I'm sure everything will work out just fine :)

I also got a job offer working at a Medic Company in the office! I should hopefully be starting next week.. I definitely need to get working already.

I recently got back from a nice little vacation on the west coast again. It was great to just relax and visit friends :) I'll throw up a couple pics of my time there.

Anyways, thats all I got for today. Chow!


Lisa said...

You are so inspiring, I love that you are never afraid of new things!Way to go.

Michelle said...

Thanks Lisa! I'm pretty excited :)

Andrea {kerubo mama} said...

YAY Michelle!!! I'm really excited for you and hope that all continues to go well! God is definitely working =)

Michelle said...

Thanks Andrea!!