"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" - Walt Emerson

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Its been a while since I've logged onto my blog! I guess there have been a few ups and downs in the past while. As I mentioned last month, being accepted into school is pretty exciting! I'm a bit nervous to move I will admit, as I've made Grande Prairie pretty homely over the past few years.. but I know the change will be good for me and I am excited to expand my knowledge and experience in school! All I am waiting on now is a student loan and bursaries, but I'm just running on faith assuming I will get them, so hopefully!

I haven't really worked for 6 weeks now.. wow what a change from my winter working months! I've been so used to the "go, go, go" attitude all winter that this summer has definitely been interesting for me. I can now properly define the word "restless"! Ha ha. The job I had originally been offered last month didn't exactly work out, long story short - they kept pushing the start date back and eventually never returned any of my calls. I was quite disappointed as I had stopped looking for the work during this time period assuming I would be working full-time. But God has been faithful and has continued to provide for me as I need it! I worked a a couple days last weekend at the alley to fill in for someone and am temping two days at Trinidad. The extra cash will definitely help me out this month! Again, God being faithful to take care of me, I got a job for the summer starting in a few weeks working for GPRC summer camps. Basically just helping run sports camps for the summer monday to friday. I'm looking forward to it forsure as I know it will be something I actually enjoy.

And I guess thats about all I have to say for now!
~Until next time~

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